Ever look at your life and wonder how you might change it?
A key piece of wisdom - look at the habits of those you admire. After all, why would you attempt to emulate anything less?
As I was preparing for Men's Group tonight, it occurred to me that I could give this greater exposure by posting it here. We are currently discussing how to take care of your soul - how to maintain your relationship with the God you love. This is not something that happens casually, you must make an effort to pursue Him. Just as your relationship with your wife will die over time if not maintained, so too will your relationship with Jesus die unless you take care of it.
Do you have a regular time with God? I'm not talking a few minutes while you drive to work or a few minutes as you're on the "john" - I'm talking dedicated time reading and "being" with God. There really is no shortcut and no other way - you need to spend time to get to know Him.
What follows is from Pat Morley of Man in the Mirror. I hope it gives you a little perspective as to what "time with God" looks like.
In our Christian culture we hear a lot mentioned about a device called "the quiet time". A quiet time is a routine period, usually at the beginning or end of the day, in which five, fifteen, thirty minutes, an hour or more are set aside to read and study God's Word, pray, and possibly perform other spiritual disciplines. For example, sometimes I sing hymns (no one besides God would want to hear), journal or read devotional materials.
Actually, the Bible calls for continual prayer and Bible meditation. "Pray continually" (1 Thess.5:17). "Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" (Eph. 6:18). "His delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2).
The quiet time, then, is an accommodation to an overly busy culture. Nevertheless, the concept of setting aside a regular time for concentrated meeting with the Lord can greatly enhance anyone's walk with God. In fact, without it, it is questionable if you can really hae an ongoing relationship with Christ.

From Daily Moments of Strength - Walk Through the Bible