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Happy Fathers Day!

I am thankful for today. Not because attention is centered more around me but because it reminds me to think about what I'm doing as a father, a mentor and spiritual provider. It reminds me that I need to keep my eye on the ball and not get discouraged over temporary setbacks. To purposely stay the course that has been laid out for me and pursue developing my children and grandchildren for their futures. What an impact I can have! What a legacy I can leave! What a gift I can leave the world in the character and faithfulness of my kids and grandkids.

Yesterday, Promise Keepers released another seminar on this very subject. I encourage you to watch it and embrace your spiritual leadership potential in your family - to lead by example and lead in love.

Then, download the PK App for 10 days of purposeful exercises to help develop your leadership skills and assist with your honest relationships with other men.








We hope you were able to participate in this years' Promise Keepers event. They did an absolutely awesome job with it - we are already looking forward to next year!

In the meantime, make sure you are connected to a local men's group. You need the topic oriented interaction to keep yourself grounded in God's Word. If you want to start a group or reinvigorate an old one, we may be able to help. We have lots of curriculum possibilities. Please let us know.

The entire PK2020 online event is now available for you to watch by yourself or (preferably) with a small group of friends. Lots of discussion material in it!

Watch the entire Digital Experience here:

Click to Watch Day 1Click to Watch Day 2




Quite often, in our discussions with pastors and men’s leaders, we hear a common concern about men’s ministry. It usually goes something like this:

MdMen:              So, what kinds of opportunities does your church offer men?”

Pastor:                  “Well, we have a monthly breakfast that a few men come to, and there are a couple of good Bible studies going on. But, we only get a handful of men that participate compared to the number of men that attend our church.”

Most churches tell us that only ten percent of their men are involved in men’s ministry. Why is that?


By Chris Van Brocklin, Man in the Mirror’s Baltimore Area Director


I hate booting up my PC. It takes way to long, and I am too impatient to wait for it to do its thing. When I want to get to work, I want it immediately. After much anguish, I found out why it takes so long. Apparently, there are several programs in the operating system that need to start up and play in the background. If these are not allowed to start properly, they’ll likely become corrupted or dysfunctional and my work will suffer. So, I guess that I have to wait every time, like it or not.os2

Men’s ministry is very similar. In order to have a strong men’s ministry, your church’s “operating system” needs attention to be functional and corruption free.



21st.jpgIt's "tool time" for your men's ministry! This all-in-one collection of practical, fun, easy-to-follow ideas is the perfect resource from which to build all your men's ministry programs. Use these effective lessons and activities to connect with your male audience in an array of events including retreats, "Guy's Movie Night," father/child outings, ready-to-go Bible studies, service you get secrets to a successful men's ministry, and more! Includes topical index.

Get it here



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" We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. "

Charles R. Swindoll



I am Second