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Contact me for more info - there is still time to simulcast at your church!  Scott Marsh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Now its hitting close to home - are you awake yet??



A Strong Place for Boys to Grow Up as Men


As parents, we're so often trapped in the things we've got to do and we forget to concentrate on how we're gonna launch our young men particularly.

A boy needs a male-centric environment that celebrates who he is. He needs men to lead him into biblical masculinity, and he needs an organization that's focused on his strengths, that's built for who he is as a boy.

At Trail Life USA, we are a champion for boys. We believe in boys. We think that they're amazing creations, created in the image of God, and they need to be recognized for their unique contributions.

Get more information here.



Promise Keepers Virtual Fatherhood Summit is a fast-paced, free event with practical talk from top teachers. We’ll discuss the real issues impacting your family and kids. 

But we know that fatherhood topics can't all be addressed in a one-time online event. So, the Fatherhood Summit kicks off a 14-day challenge that will place you side by side virtually with other men as you build up your fathering skills in concrete ways. The program and follow up resources are beneficial whether you are father to kids in the home, a grandfather, or you mentor or coach kids. The interactive community provides opportunities to speak into the lives of other dads and young fathers - we need you in this challenge as iron sharpens iron.

Our goal is to equip, connect, and activate you in an interactive brotherhood community known as the Promise Keepers App.

We'll walk you through it every step of the way! Just register today.




Dr. Tony Evans and son Anthony Evans   A.R. Bernard and his son Jamaal Bernard  David and Jason Benham   Greg Stier  (Dare2Share)   Mark Hancock (Trail Life USA)   Jerrad Lopes (DadTired)    Zane Black   Promise Keepers Conference Messages from Dennis Rainey and Josh McDowell  Ken Harrison   and more

The program kicks off on November 10th with the live online event. Watch from home via Facebook or YouTube (register and we'll send you the link early) or gather a group of dads to watch via a Watch Party, or use this free resource at your church. If you can't join us live, you can register for the link to watch anytime after. Don't delay too long as we'll start the 14-day Fatherhood Challenge in the PK App the next day but you can start the challenge anytime you want. It's easy - just register today and we'll send you all the resources.

Topics include:

Tough topics in today's culture facing our kids

Raising gospel-advancing kids

What every good father provides

Speaking blessings into our sons and daughters

Connecting with our kids

Practical parenting and perspective from dads and grandfathers

Tips to achieve balance and pressures facing dads

Grandparenting, single dads, stepfathers

"Best of" Highlights for Dads from Promise Keepers Conferences 

Encouragement and Community for Dads


Register Now


This event is free, but please consider making a donation to help us
make events like this one available to more men.

It was a pretty awesome experience as usual. We were reminded of whose we are and what we are supposed to be doing. We were reminded that we *are* the light in this broken world. Nick Vujicic certainly reminded us that our personal obstacles are no match for the power of God.

How has your thinking and awareness changed this week? First thing I did Monday morning was to pay for the breakfast of the guy behind me in the Dunkin Donuts drive through. Something simple that I can occasionally do to keep my "outward" muscles moving. It's so easy to drop back into the ho-hum of the day to day routines we often call normal. Let's make some new habits, create a new normal. 

Have you downloaded the PK App yet? If not, please do - it will help you with an amazing amount of male-oriented content as well as the ability to connect with other PK followers worldwide. In addition, there is a Maryland Coalition of Men's Ministries group for those in Maryland.

Android Store or Apple Store

We'll do this again next year (with a different marketing plan - I learned a few things ;-)

In the meantime, lets keep building relationships and continue our development into the men God has called us to be. We can certainly see the value in that - now we need to pursue it.


"For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun." 2 Cor 5:17


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" A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. "
Billy Graham



I am Second