Kingdom Man: Every Man's Destiny, Every Woman's Dream - DVD Leader Kit is a 6-session Bible study for adult men by Dr. Tony Evans. This study is designed to empower men to exercise the God-given dominion they were created for by giving them a Kingdom understanding, vision, and perspective on their identity and responsibilities along with practical steps on how to become a man who rules his world well.
Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. This study challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God, learning to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ.
- Contains two DVDs that feature six approximately 30-minute teaching sessions by Tony Evans
- Includes the trade book Kingdom Man
- Includes one Member Book
- Examines what it means to be Kingdom man in the world today
- Motivates men to accept their roles and responsibilities as leaders in God's kingdom
- Shows men how to identify the spheres of influence that God has entrusted to them
- Suggests practical ways to advance God's kingdom at home, at church, and in the world
Dr. Tony Evans is a pastor, teacher, author, speaker, and one of the country's most respected leaders in evangelical circles. Through his local church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, and national ministry, The Urban Alternative, Dr. Evans promotes a Kingdom agenda philosophy that teaches God's comprehensive rule over every sphere of life as demonstrated through the individual, family, church, and society.
These application studies encourage men to honor God and integrate His Word into all their relationships by incorporating the power of worship, prayer, and mentoring to daily life. A key resource for men's small group study or for personal growth.
Men’s Fraternity is a series of three one-year-long studies, beginning with The Quest for Authentic Manhood, followed by Authentic Manhood: Winning at Work and Home, and concluding with The Great Adventure series. More than just a rally or a Bible study, Men’s Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God.
Men’s Fraternity was designed to help men come together and strengthen each other through weekly sessions that combine biblical teaching and small group interaction.
These time-tested resources have been used all over the world to equip men to make their pursuit of noble manhood a lifelong priority. Church leaders and lay members are using the series to energize the men of their church and to connect with men in the community. Many men also use the series in their own personal pursuit of authentic manhood.
Latest News: New Father-Son Journey study available!
Those of you that know Authentic Manhood know that this study was not appropriate for youngsters until the second half of the program. Yet, there was some great father-son teaching material interspersed throughout the curriculum.
These age appropriate sessions have been separated out into a study specifically for Dads and sons. With this six week study, you will be able to communicate a noble and uplifting vision of manhood to your son. Click the image for more info.
This content will immediately bring biblical truth to resonate within your heart. Excellent for the unchurched too - it is a great outreach tool for men.
The Quest for Authentic Manhood is the foundational level or ground floor of manhood. This 24-session study focuses on a man’s core identity and gives an overview of basic manhood issues. It will help men deal with various identity issues by looking back at past wounds and other things that may have distorted their idea of biblical masculinity. Throughout the course of the study, men will learn how to clearly define manhood and will finally be able to give a succinct and passionate answer to the questions, “What is a man?” and “What am I living to be?”
This captivating journey helps men:
- Resolve wounds from their past
- Embrace a biblical definition of manhood
- Develop their own personal manhood plan
Chapter Titles:
- At the Starting Line: Five Manhood Promises
- The Four Faces of Manhood
- The First Step to Authentic Manhood: Looking Back
- The Second Step to Authentic Manhood: “Unpacking”
- Remembering Dad
- Facing the Father Wound
- The Overly-Bonded with Mother Wound
- Making a Healthy Break with Mom
- The All Alone Wound
- Three Cheers for Mentors!
- The Wounded Heart
- Implications of the Heart Wound
- The Good News Solution to the Heart Wound
- “Saddle Up!” for the Second Half
- Genesis and Manhood
- Genesis and Manhood, Part 2
- A Biblical Definition of Manhood
- A Biblical Definition of Manhood, Part 2
- A Man and His Wife
- A Man and His Wife, Part 2
- 25 Practical Ways to be a Servant Leader
- Fathers and Sons
- Fathers and Daughters
- A Man and His Life Journey
Visit to see some sample video clips and purchase the DVD or CD sets.
Building on Authentic Manhood, MF Year 2 explores work and family in the context of servant leadership and non-passive, non-aggressive manhood. You were created to actively speak life into your family and workmates!
Winning at Work and Home, a 16-session study, focuses on the two areas that are central to a man’s life: career and family. It will begin to build the walls of manhood through study dealing with a man’s chief responsibilities. It explores how a man can enjoy and engage his work and how he can relate to a woman in a whole new way.
Chapter Titles:
- A Man and His Mirrors
- What Men Need to Know About Women
- Engaging “Your Woman” Successfully
- Staying Close to the Woman You Love
- Improving Your Sex Life
- How a Man Makes the Money Work at Home
- The “Good Life” and Where to Find It
- What Every Dad Needs to Know
- Dad’s Game Plan for Raising Sons and Daughters
- Maximum Parenting
- A Man and His Work
- Two Visions of Work
- Coming “Alive” at Work
- Making a Name for Yourself at Work
- Taking God to Work
- Launching a Lifelong Winning Streak
Visit to see some sample video clips and purchase the DVD or CD sets.