MD Men of Faith - Ellicott City
Several years ago the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) began a one day retreat for men (known as the Michigan Men of Faith [MI MOF]), which provided an opportunity for Christian fellowship and growth. The annual event includes time for prayer, singing, and fellowship. Throughout the day the men are challenged to live as men of God through the messages of keynote speakers and a series of seminars targeted to provide guidance for the men.
Inspired by the experiences and testimonies from the MI MOF, three laymen (members of the Atholton and Baltimore First SDA churches) in Maryland answered the call to begin the Maryland Men of Faith (MMOF). The three men met regularly throughout 2006 to prayerfully seek God's guidance in the organization of a one day retreat in Maryland. Additional volunteers joined the planning and the first annual MMOF retreat was held in Hagerstown on October 7, 2006. In the inaugural event the men were challenged along the theme "Restoring the Image of God". More can be learned about the first MMOF retreat by selecting the "2006 Conference" link.
Moving Forward - While the MMOF was organized by SDA men, the ministry is intended for all men interested in growing from the Word of God. The MMOF leaders are organizing a quarterly opportunity for men to come together. In addition, local churches are being encouraged to provide additional opportunities for their respective men. Planning is underway for the second MMOF conference to be held in the Fall of 2007. As details on seminars and speakers become available they will be posted under the "2007 Conference" link.
The MMOF is supported by the personal ministries of the Atholton and Baltimore First SDA churches. If you share our burden for strengthening Christian men and are interested in participating in the MMOF in the future please contact us.