Men On A Mission Worldwide Ministries, Inc. was founded on January 29, 2000. The purpose of MOAM is to help men become Godly influences in their homes, families, communities and the world at large.

MOAM upcoming goals are to reach men through:

  • Education Empowerment
    Providing GED support to high school dropouts and stressing the need for higher education.
  • Financial Empowerment
    Through investment workshops, seminars and providing entrepreneurship opportunities.
  • Substance Abuse Counseling
    Providing substance abuse support and counseling through a network of substance abuse centers.
  • Alternative Lifestyle Counseling
    Providing support and counseling for those struggling with same sex issues.
  • Fellowships
    Providing monthly fellowships targeting issues that confront men on a day-to-day basis.
  • Sports Enrichment
    Using sports to teach character, discipline and to provide places where young people can engage in organized activities.
  • Fresh Start Programs
    Giving ex-offenders, recovering addicts, homeless men an opportunity for vocational training and getting a new lease on life.
  • Youth Mentoring
    Providing positive male roles to boys who have no male figure in the home.

In addition, we have able ready facilitators for various men’s retreats, seminars, workshops, and conferences.

You can contact us at our web site address: or e-mail us at latimerm at