Men’s Fraternity is a series of three one-year-long studies, beginning with The Quest for Authentic Manhood, followed by Authentic Manhood: Winning at Work and Home, and concluding with The Great Adventure series. More than just a rally or a Bible study, Men’s Fraternity provides men with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God.

Men’s Fraternity was designed to help men come together and strengthen each other through weekly sessions that combine biblical teaching and small group interaction.

These time-tested resources have been used all over the world to equip men to make their pursuit of noble manhood a lifelong priority. Church leaders and lay members are using the series to energize the men of their church and to connect with men in the community. Many men also use the series in their own personal pursuit of authentic manhood.

Website: www.mensfraternity.com


Latest News: New Father-Son Journey study available!

ImageThose of you that know Authentic Manhood know that this study was not appropriate for youngsters until the second half of the program. Yet, there was some great father-son teaching material interspersed throughout the curriculum.

These age appropriate sessions have been separated out into a study specifically for Dads and sons. With this six week study, you will be able to communicate a noble and uplifting vision of manhood to your son. Click the image for more info.