If I asked you to name someone who's been deeply wounded by sexual sin, I'll bet a familiar name or face would pop immediately to mind. Probably more than one. 
You and I both know fallout from sexual sin is devastating. Marriages fracture. Families crumble. Tender, innocent hearts get scarred by wounds that sometimes never heal. 
Today pornography and sex addiction are on the rise and so is the violence linked to  them. The average age of initial exposure to porn is only 11 - and 93 percent of boys are exposed to pornography before they're 18. (from www.pornaddiction.com and www.endsexualexploitation.org).
"If the godly men in our families, communities, and churches don't stand up and do something, the fallout from sexual sin will spread so far that no part of this nation will remain untouched by it. The very futures of our children are at stake."
As you know, Promise #3  of a Promise Keeper is integrity: practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity. And every week, we hear from men, wives, and church leaders pleading for solid, biblical teaching on sex to help men keep this promise. 
So on April 28, Promise Keepers will gather men from around the nation for a powerful online event addressing sexual integrity - followed by a 30-day accountability program. 
Pornography is the scourge of our age - feeding abnormal behaviors and attitudes in relationships, dehumanizing women and girls and creating unnecessary guilt and shame. If for no other reason, please plan on participating so you know how to understand and help someone else.
Freedom awaits!
Join us for the Free Man Challenge — a new virtual event focused on combating lust and quitting porn.

If you’ve been struggling to live a life of purity and integrity, now is the time to take a stand against sexual sin. This free, one-hour event will feature all-new content from a team of trained experts assembled from among Promise Keepers friends and ministry partners.

Register today for early access information. A link to watch the program will be emailed to you.

Kick-Off: April 28, 2022
5pm Pacific | 6pm Mountain | 7pm Central | 8pm Eastern

REGISTER -- its Free!

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